We have a strict ‘NO REFUNDS’ policy.
Make-up Classes or Workshops
Classes: We know schedules can get difficult and things happen; so, we stay parent friendly and flexible. Make up classes must be completed in same semester as that to which you’ve registered. With the school approval, you may carry over missed 2 classes or days only, to the next semester only, including summer.
Workshops: Because there are limited seats in workshops, each workshop, without exception, is a ‘use it or lose it.’ There are no make up workshops permitted. However, if you give us written notice within 2 days of actual workshop that you cannot attend, we can attempt to fill your seat. Then, and only then, you may receive future workshop credit, to last 6 months from date of registered workshop.
Thank you for your understanding with this policy.
In any event where a customer wants to cancel their enrollment and is eligible for a full refund, a 5% processing fee will be deducted from the refund amount.