How imortant are proofreading and editing in our digital world?
Think of how many times you’re reading during the course of the day: Newspapers. Magazines. Billboard Ads. Books. Websites. Blog sites.
- Behind every one of these is a sharp proofreader/editor who doesn't makes the mistakes of the human 'brian".
Have you seen the number of courses on proofreading and editing today?
- How do you know which one is right for you?
- Which ones teach you the skills for a long career?
- Who is available after the course for references and additional help?
Confused? Join the original-The Discovery Center's Proofreading/Editing Class-at our offices and online!
Course Highlights:
- Learn the differences between proofreading and editing.
- Receive personalized follow-ups with instructor.
- Learn and practice proofreading and editing marks.
- Join in exercises and games to hone proofreading skills and build confidence.
- Ensure that your final product is polished, targeted and error-free.
- Learn how to build your business on a full or part-time basis.
- Learn negotiating skills that allow you to work your own hours and get paid a competitive salary.
- Learn how to detect scams in the industry.
Bring a fine-point red pen! And a sharp mind.
Note: $35 Materials Fee will be collected at the time of the class.