The Master Pruner Full Series includes all 12 Master Pruner lectures offered in partnership with PlantAmnesty:
- Tree Pruning I
- Shrubs I - The Friendly, Fearless, & Forgiving
- Tree Pruning II
- Shrubs II - Shearables, Hackables, and Untouchables
- Shrubs III - The Puzzlers and Consequences
- Prune & Renovate the Overgrown Landscape
- Conifer Pruning
- Fruit Tree Pruning
- Japanese Garden Pruning
- Pruning Art or Pruning Atrocity?
- Rehabilitative Pruning
- Rose Pruning
Individually, each class is $30. Registering for all 12 at once earns you the series discount of $30 off, or one free class.
Sign up for the whole Master Pruner Series at once and receive a series discount! This lecture series, offered twice annually in partnership with PlantAmnesty, is designed for those who work in landscape maintenance. Each lecture provides information on tools and techniques for quality pruning with better long-term results and customer satisfaction.
This course is available for "remote" learning and will be available to anyone with access to an internet device with a microphone (this includes most models of computers, tablets). Classes will take place with a "Live" instructor at the date/times listed below.
Upon registration, the instructor will send along additional information about how to log-on and participate in the class.