This course teaches you how to develop interactive web pages using the JavaScript language. With JavaScript, you can include programs that interact with the user, control the browser and dynamically create HTML content.
Course Outline
Lesson 1: Getting Started with JavaScript:
- Topic 1A: Create a Basic JavaScript Script
- Topic 1B: Execute a Script
- Topic 1C: Add Comments to a Script
Lesson 2: Managing the Browser Window:
- Topic 2A: Display Messages on the Status Bar
- Topic 2B: Open a Linked Page in a New Window
Lesson 3: Managing the Document:
- Topic 3A: Write Content to a Document
- Topic 3B: Create a Dynamic Document
Lesson 4: Manipulating Data and Functions:
- Topic 4A: Create a Form
- Topic 4B: Create a Function
- Topic 4C: Store Data Using Variables
- Topic 4D: Manipulate Data Using Operators
- Topic 4E: Convert Data Types
Lesson 5: Validating Statements Using Control Constructs:
- Topic 5A: Validate Statements
- Topic 5B: Execute Statements Iteratively
Lesson 6: Calculating Numerical Values:
- Topic 6A: Calculate Numerical Values
- Topic 6B: Manipulate String Values
- Topic 6C: Manipulate Date Values
Lesson 7: Using Regular Expressions and Understanding Ajax:
- Topic 7A: Use Regular Expressions to Match Patterns in Strings
- Topic 7B: Understand the Basics of Ajax