Knowing HTML is a huge benefit in today's office. You will learn to write hypertext markup language(HTML) to design or make changes to web pages. We'll cover adding 'tags', links, images, style sheets, frames and tables.
Learn to write hypertext markup language (HTML) to design or change web pages and marketing emails. For anyone who works in an office these days, knowing basic HTML is necessary.
Class Outline
Unit 1: Getting started:
- Topic A: Introduction to HTML5
- Topic B: Basic HTML structure
Unit 2: Elements and attributes:
- Topic A: Document structure
- Topic B: Phrase elements
- Topic C: Attributes
Unit 3: Style sheets:
- Topic A: Introduction to style sheets
- Topic B: Basic text and font styles
- Topic C: Box styles
Unit 4: Tables: Topic: Displaying tabular data
Unit 5: Links and images:
- Topic A: Creating and formatting links
- Topic B: Working with images