Be armed with the knowledge you’ll need to make your dollars go farther in today’s competitive economy and financial markets. Learn Investing Basics, including types of investments, how investments grow, risk vs. reward. Learn about Mutual Funds, Dollar-cost Averaging,
The Rule of 72 and how to make it work for you, tax shelters and how to use them. Even if you don’t have a lot of money to invest, we’ll show you strategies for how to save substantially in other areas by using simple tricks that salesmen, banks and insurance companies would prefer you didn’t know.
We’ll show you tricks for getting out of debt quicker, for improving your tax situation, how to own a home if you don’t, as well as the real American dream of business ownership and the advantages that go with it. Bring a note pad and pens. Mat fee of $20 includes a booklet, video, and access to a technical support help-line. Ed Hanna is an investment representative with 14 years experience.
Mat Fee: $20