Whether you realize it or not, you—and all people—have an intuitive side. Culturally, this fact is not always emphasized or acknowledged, so it can be a struggle to recognize it. You may have experienced intuition but it did not make sense and you ignored it.
Join medium and bestselling author of Become A Medical Intuitive as she guides you on a journey of intuitive discovery.
Explore what intuition is and is not, and find out how you can perceive it. If you are still challenged, gain insights into what is personally getting in your way.
After you clear your blockages, you can take positive actions to quickly open your intuitive awareness and harness its power.
This course is available for "remote" learning and will be available to anyone with access to an internet device with a microphone (this includes most models of computers, tablets). Classes will take place with a "Live" instructor at the date/times listed below.
Upon registration, the instructor will send along additional information about how to log-on and participate in the class.