The SECOND part of the five-long course long French Intermediate sequence.
Teaching Method: Native-fluency instructors promote the use of French in the classroom by using French activities, games, songs, visual elements as well as manipulatives. Instructors use various audio and visual elements that are complementary and inter-related so that the same vocabulary or element of grammar is practiced and reinforced in many different ways to create variety, encourage participation and avoid boredom.
Designed for 11 to 14-year-old students who have completed the High Beginner level 5 or equivalent. Our Intermediate French course goes deeper into language proficiency. Students will refine their ability to describe experiences, events, dreams, hopes, ambitions and explain opinions and plans. They will expand their vocabulary to cover broader topics while also focusing on their understanding of nuanced phrases and expressions.
Next Level: Intermediate 3.
Important Notes:
- Materials are not included in the tuition.
- This class uses the book “Et toi! 2”
Classes that fall on any of the holidays will be extended one week.
This course is available for "remote" learning and will be available to anyone with access to an internet device with a microphone (this includes most models of computers, tablets). Classes will take place with a "Live" instructor at the date/times listed below.
Upon registration, the instructor will send along additional information about how to log-on and participate in the class.