This is a 10-week part-time or 1-week accelerated course.
The Big Picture: Confidently make—and defend—critical decisions using the results of your data analysis.
Skills, Tools, & Strategies: Use Excel, SQL, and Tableau to spot trends and drive business decisions with real-world data.
Analytics in Practice: Share your insights and tell compelling stories using data visualizations and dashboards.
What You'll Learn:Unit 1: Exploring Data with ExcelUnderstanding the Value of Data
- Explore the value of data.
- Work your way through the data analytics workflow.
- Unlock the power of Microsoft Excel to utilize its analytical tools — no matter your experience level.
- Practice applying the data analytics workflow to a sample business case.
Preparing Data in Excel
- Discuss data cleaning best practices.
- Review strategies to prepare and clean a data set.
- Practice asking the “right” questions of our data.
Referencing Data in Excel
- Use named ranges to easily reference data subsets.
- Use the VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions to manipulate data sets.
- Look up values in other tables using the functions INDEX and MATCH.
Aggregating Data in Excel
- Summarize data using pivot tables.
- Execute Excel aggregation commands (SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, etc.) and their conditional variants (COUNTIF, COUNTBLANKS, etc.) to summarize data sets.
- Explore data using conditional formatting for categorization and analysis.
Visualizing Data in Excel
- Use scatter plots, bar graphs, and histograms to visualize data.
- Explore color theory and how it applies to data visualization.
- Build your own data dashboard using industry best practices.
- Apply visual design principles to your dashboard to present your findings clearly.
Applying Statistics for Data Analysis
- Understand the value of descriptive and inferential statistics.
- Learn to describe data and identify outliers using its mean, median, mode, range, and variance.
- Practice applying statistical functions in Excel.
Building Data Narratives
- Learn best practices for describing analysis techniques.
- Communicate insights and implications for stakeholders.
- Deliver short, effective presentations sharing your findings.
- Provide context for your audience by identifying and presenting the salient statistics.
Unit 2: Managing Data with SQLFoundations of Databases and SQL
- Learn about data structures and the role of structured query language (SQL).
- Filter data using advanced SQL commands (Where, Group By, Having, Order By, Limit).
- Obtain data by creating relationships between tables using Joins.
- Gather filtered data using SQL Boolean operators (AND and OR) and SQL conditional operators (=,!=,>,<,IN, and BETWEEN).
Aggregating Data in SQL
- Create relationships between tables and data points (including has_many and many_to_many) using Join tables and multiple Joins.
- Write Boolean statements with SQL conditional operators (=, !=, >, <, IN, and BETWEEN).
- Summarize data sets by employing aggregation commands (“Sum,” “Average,” “Count,” etc.).
- Determine data trends by applying aggregation methods.
Using Logic and Functions in SQL
- Explain the differences between NULL and zero.
- Use SQL NULL to create Boolean functions and handle zeros.
- Apply string functions to manipulate how data is presented.
- Apply math functions to add value to the data you are working with.
- Apply date logic to your SQL queries.
Writing Efficient, Dynamic Queries and Subqueries
- Use CASE statements to structure data and create new attributes.
- Combine multiple subqueries into one using “WITH AS.”
- Optimize queries using WHERE, LIMIT, and COALESCE.
Unit 3: Communicating Data Analysis with TableauExploring the Fundamentals of Tableau
- Get hands-on, practical experience navigating the Tableau software interface.
- Connect your data to Tableau and identify the best ways to visualize and display your results.
Visualizing Data and Text Manipulation in Tableau
- Use bubble graphs and a variety of visualizations to identify and communicate data insights.
- Create a number of calculated fields to clean and manipulate strings of text using LEFT, MID, FIND, and REPLACE.
Text and Sentiment Analysis in Tableau
- Use the Twitter web data connector to bring tweet data into Tableau.
- Analyze and visualize your data pull in Tableau in order to answer basic questions.
Designing Data Dashboards in Tableau
- Contextualize analysis results by creating Tableau dashboards.
- Incorporate charts and conditional formatting into your dashboard using supporting information specific to a particular data set.
Working with Data Across Excel, SQL, and Tableau
- Understand the use of specific data analysis software.
- Apply all the tools and skills you’ve acquired in Excel, SQL, and Tableau to analyze a data set from start to finish.
Final Project Presentations
- Identify strengths and areas for improvement in your analytical skills with feedback from peers, instructors, and guest panelists.
School Notes:
For students enrolling in 12 week part time and immersive classes, it is not recommended that you book more than one class simultaneously.