This bootcamp you will take you from an InDesign beginner to expert. You will complete a series of Real World publishing projects including an advertisement, a magazine, a corporate brochure, a novel, a movie poster, a receipe book, a restaurant menu, a travel guide, pitch deck, and much more.
Our instructors will lead you step-by-step through each project, teaching the correct workflow, how to master each tool and useful shortcuts to speed up your production. You will leave the course fully competent and able to use InDesign in a professional design environment.
Live face-to-face instructor. No minimum class size - all classes guaranteed to run!
No prior experience of InDesign is needed. Training available on Mac and PC.
Course Outline
Getting Started
This exercise will introduce you the InDesign Interface before creating a Presidential Letter.
- Welcome to InDesign 2019
- New Document Settings
- Understanding Units
- Creating a document
- Layout and Navigation
- Understanding Workspaces
- Accessing Panels
- Creating a Text Frame
- Frame vs Content
- Anatomy of a Frame
- Adding placeholder text
- Where to turn on Grids and Guides
- The Properties Panel
- The Character Panel (basic overview)
- The Paragraph Panel (basic overview)
- Basic Text Spacing & Alignment
- All about Adobe Fonts
Top Secret! Letter Creation
This exercise will introduce you to the basics of creating a document, by having you re-create a de-classified UFO letter.
- Creating a Print Document
- Understanding the Parts of a Letter
- Working with and Re-sizing Text Frames
- Importing and Managing Graphics
- Working with Bullets
- Saving an InDesign Project
- Multi-Frame Document
- More Text Attributes
- Position Text with Baseline Shift
- Paragraph Spacing
- Control Leading in Character Options
- Using Tabs
- Hanging Bullets and Check Marks
- Adding Hyphenation/Discretionary
Simple Magazine Ad
In this exercise, you will create an entire magazine ad, pulling in a photo, graphic logo and laying out text.
- Creating Document for Print
- Setting the Bleed
- The Rectangle Frame Tool
- Working with Headlines
- Placing Images
- Combining Text and Images
- Auto Drop Caps vs Manual Drop Caps
- Layout Adjustments
Pyramid Pets Article
In this lesson, you will learn the basics of page layouts along with more text manipulation. You will master paragraph spacing, leading, and use tabs to complete the layout.
- Creating a 1-Page article for web
- Simple Layout Sketching
- Creating a Document based on Sketch
- Working with a Multi-Column Document
- Rectangle Frame Tool Again!
- Adding Graphics Elements
- Placing and formatting images
- Text Wrapping
- Working with Loaded Cursors
Pure Elegance: 2-Page Simple Magazine Ad
Learn how to create and layout a 2-Page Magazine Ad for Print.
- Setting up the Document as a 2-Page Spread
- Working with Facing Pages
- Understanding & Working with Bleed
- Working with and formatting Bulleted Lists
- Working with FX to solve object issues
- Simple Paragraph Formatting
- Working with Decorative Fonts
- Printing as a Spread
- Simple Web Export
- Working with the Pages Panel
Creating Basic Shape Elements
In this lesson, you will learn how to create useful graphics and effects within InDesign to use in your projects.
- More About Vector vs Raster
- Understanding the Pen Tool
- Pen Tool Exercises
- Segments, Anchor Points, Curves
- Creating Custom Shapes & Page Elements
- Use Shape Tools more efficiently
- Working with Gradients for lighting
- Working with Effects to enhance graphics
- Simple Perspective graphic creation
The Ultimate Lemon Cake
In this lesson, you will take your new text and graphics skills to the next level by creating a one-page recipe for a delicious cake!
- Setup one-page document for web distribution
- Layout a one-page recipe with images
- Working with Image Content within Frames
- Create custom graphics elements
- Combine images with frames with FX
- Learn how to use the Direct Selection Tool
- Understanding Text Import Options
- Working with Swatches
- Saving Custom Swatches
- Streamline for Online Web Distribution with an option to print
Haunted Tours Map
In this lesson, you will use what you have learned so far to create a map guide for a Haunted Tour service in Hollywood, CA.
- High Quality vector map creation
- Manipulating vector maps
- Using the Ellipse Frame Tool
- Grouping Elements
- Working with Multiple FX on single object
- Output your map as a downloadable and Printable PDF
Postcard Promotional
Learn how to setup and create a two-sided promotional postcard for print.
- Setting up a 2-Sided Project for Print
- Working with custom-sized documents
- Bar Codes/QR Codes and Beyond
- Generating a QR Code
- Understanding Basic Blending Modes
- Using FX to blend edges
Retro Fashion Magazine Cover
Layout and Design an amazing retro-style Magazine Cover. Learn about the parts of a magazine cover and use Paragraph and Character Styles to aid in repetitive styling.
- The parts of a magazine cover
- Creating a rough layout
- Creating & Applying Paragraph Styles
- Style Modifications
- Anatomy of the Paragraph Styles Panel
- Importing vector graphics
- Previewing your Layout in various ways
- Saving as an InDesign Project vs Template
The Newspaper - Design & Layout
Use the powerful Paragraph Styles to design and layout a Newspaper for print.
- Understanding the parts of a Newspaper
- Popular Newspaper sizes
- Roughing out the layout
- Create and manage a multi-page document
- Working with multiple spreads repetitive content using the Pages Panel
- Working with spanned content
- Turning on and modifying the Baseline Grid
- Stylizing Text with Paragraph Styles
- Managing multiple columns
- Spell checking
- Adding simple graphics to add color
The Newspaper - Graphics & Images
Take the Newspaper to the next level by creating and customizing graphics and prep images with captions.
- Using Adobe Bridge to “tag” media
- Adding Metadata to media
- Adding Multiple images to multiple frames
- Working with image Captions
- Live vs Static Captions
- Manipulating Master Pages
- Creating Page Numbers
- Creating Repetitive Page Graphics
Switzerland Multi-Panel Brochure
In this lesson, you will learn to use InDesign's spell check feature, and the find and change feature.
- Understanding the various brochure folds
- Learn about 3rd party plugins for InDesign
- Creating a bi-fold, four panel brochures
- Start Page Numbers
- Managing your panels in Pages
- Spreads vs Pages
- Duplicating and Deleting Spreads
- Enhancing Logos
- Adding graphics to text elements for contrast
- Design and add text for Front and Back Panels
- Casually recording Paragraph Styles & Swatches
Switzerland Brochure Graphics
Add some wow factor to the travel brochure panels 3-4 by creating some amazing graphics.
- Use the Direct Selection Tool to modify Frames
- Use the Direct Selection Tool to modify shapes
- Converting points to Bezier Curves
- Re-create a Polaroid-style frame to display your travel images
- Sharing graphics and text between Spreads
- Working with FX to create shadows
- Layering Graphics for visual impact
- Working with Slugs
- Previewing your project
Fundamental Publishing & Export
Go into more depth on exporting for Print, Web and so much more. This lesson gives you an overview of your options for delivery and archive.
- Understanding PDF Options for Print InDepth
- PDF/X Version Breakdown
- Creating your own PDF Presets
- Understanding the various options for Web Export (JPG, PNG, other) and why you would use one over another
- What happens to your color on export
- What is the EPUB standard?
- Notes on Sending your work to an Inkjet or Laserjet
- Exporting Marks for the Printer
- Understanding Color Conversion
- Packaging your Project for Archive or Transfer
Movie Poster Design
In this lesson, you will learn how to use Illustrator in conjunction with InDesign to make powerful vector art to create a movie poster.
- Reasons use Illustrator with InDesign
- A quick introduction to text in Illustrator
- Working with Decorative Type Titles
- Multi-Frame Title Treatments
- Getting vector art into InDesign from AI
- Troubleshooting AI to ID Graphics Transfers
- Working with Simple Tables
- Formatting film poster credits
- The Color Theme Tool
- Working with SVG Graphics
- Simple Graphic Edits in Illustrator
- Flattening Graphics in Illustrator
Wonka Bar Menu - Intro to Tables
In this lesson, you will learn how to create, manage and style Tables and the content within.
- Creating Tables from Scratch
- Stylizing Tables
- Stylizing Table Content
- Selecting & Modifying Cells
- Excel to InDesign Tables
- Tab Delimited File Imports
- Text to Table Conversions
- Colorizing Tables
- Creative Table Design
Ghost Toys - Intro to GREP
An introduction to GREP. GREP is a special language that lets you tell InDesign to find, change and apply all kinds of formatting - including Conditions that hide and show text at your command.
- What is GREP
- Tips on Learning GREP
- Two Ways of Adding GREP in your Projects
- Composing a GREP Phrase
- Creating conditions for conditional text
- Using GREP to apply conditions
- Creating sets to manage conditions
- Using conditional images
- GREP in Paragraph and Character Styles
Fiction Novel - Formatting a Book
Learn how to setup a Fiction Novel from scratch and use Paragraph, Character Styles & GREP to manage the books content.
- Documents & Book Project contrasts
- The Anatomy of a Book
- Classic Trade book sizes
- Setting up a standard paperback book
- Creating Book Styles for easy formatting
- Formatting Master Pages
- Defining Sections
- Numbering and Organizing Sections
- Importing and Stylizing book text
- Auto-flow text
- Placeholder text for pre-formatting
- GREP for eliminating “Runts”
- Fixing and Eliminating Forced Line Breaks
Fiction Novel - Indexes, TOCs & Beyond
An introduction to GREP. GREP is a special language that lets you tell InDesign to find, change and apply all kinds of formatting - including Conditions that hide and show text at your command.
- The Difference between TOCs and Indexes
- Preparing content for a TOC
- Creating a Table of Contents
- Formatting between Numbers and Chapters
- Stylizing a Table of Content
- Working with Next Style
- Prepping a document for an Index
- Creating an Index
- Working with Scripts to manage data
- What are XMLs? How are they used?
Fiction Novel - Creating a Cover
Use InDesign to get creative and design and layout a cover for a Fiction Novel complete with Spine.
- Setup for 6” x 9” Trade Book with 200 Pages
- Creating a document with a Spine
- Manipulating multiple pages as one document
- Working with Photoshop and InDesign
- Working with Importing layered content
- Working with InDesign’s Layers Panel
- Naming and Arranging Layers
- Creating a Title for a Book Cover
Working with Book Projects
Learn about the benefits and power of working with Book Projects in InDesign.
- More details about Documents vs Book Projects
- When a Book Project might be useful
- Creating a Book Project from scratch
- INDB File Formats
- Anatomy of the Book Panel
- Synchronizing Projects
- Preflighting your Book
- Error Reporting Details
- Status Symbols Meaning
- Page Numbering and Conversion
- Exporting your book to a PDF
Deck Design & Layout
In this lesson, you will learn about Pitch Decks and how to create them in InDesign.
- What is a Pitch Deck?
- How your Pitch Deck is going to be used
- Creating your Pitch Deck document
- Pitch Deck Sections
- Setting up Pitch Deck Master Pages
- Creative Continuity with Master Pages
- Designing a Title Page for the Deck
- Creativity with Transform More Options
- Organizing Layers in the Layer Panel
- Creative Page Titles with FX
- Getting Creative with Image Frame
Deck Design - Style & Graphics
Create and manage attractive graphics through your Pitch Deck Project.
- Working with Object Styles
- Color Continuity
- Enhancing Titles using Blend Modes
- Formatting Text using Styles and Next Style
- Creating a Gallery-Style TOC
- Understanding Clippings Masks
- Creating a Clipping Mask
- Pitch Deck Tweaks
- Exporting Deck to Preview
Deck Design - Interactive Documents
Convert and Design your Pitch Deck to be an Interactive Document for presentations and more.
- Switching to the Interactive Workspace
- So many interactive features, so little time
- Exploring Interactive PDFs
- Create and manage Hyperlinks
- Understanding Text Anchors
- Interactive In-Document Navigation
- How to embed Video and Audio
- Buttons and Forms menu
- Exporting an Interactive PDF
- Testing your Interactive PDF